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                普赫姆和开特█环保业务联盟签约仪式 在昆明成ㄨ功举行

                时间:2023-07-24 16:24:38 来源:搜狐


                Signing Ceremony of Purem &Cat Environmental Protection Business Alliance Successfully held in Kunming

                2023年7月14日下午,普赫姆(上海)管理有限公司(简称“普赫姆”)和宁波开特环保科技有限公司(简称“开特环保”)业务联盟签约仪式在昆明云南海埂会堂成功举行。普赫姆执行副总裁Andreas Stecken先生和开特环保总经理戎∏永波先生及双方高管团队】出席活动并签署协议。签约仪式同时也邀请到中汽研汽车检验中心(昆明)有限公司总经理胥峰先生见Ψ证了这一历史时刻。

                On the afternoon of July 14, 2023, a momentous occasion unfolded as the signing ceremony for the business alliance between Purem (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd. ("Purem") and Ningbo Cat Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. ("Cat Environmental Protection") took place at the prestigious Kunming Yunnan Haigeng Hall. The event witnessed the successful execution of the business alliance agreement, with esteemed attendees including Mr. Andreas Stecken, Executive Vice President of Purem, Mr. Rong Yongbo, General Manager of Cat Environmental Protection, and the senior management teams from both entities.The signing ceremony also invited Mr. Xu Feng, General Manager of China Automotive Research Institute Auto Inspection Center (Kunming) Co., Ltd. to witness this historical moment

                普赫姆和开特环保业务联盟签约仪式 在昆明成功举」行


                The successful execution of the signing ceremony signifies the official commencement of a strategic collaboration between Purem and Cat Environmental Protection. .Through this partnership, both parties aim to foster the development of groundbreaking target products encompassing comprehensive system integration and novel market expansion. By jointly propelling the advancement of automotive emission control technology, the collaborative endeavor will make noteworthy strides in the realm of environmental conservation, contributing significantly to this crucial cause.

                普赫姆和开特环保业务联盟签约仪式 在昆@明成功举行

                普赫姆是埃贝〓赫集团旗下独立的排气技术事业单元,该集团是亚洲地区颇具影响力的实体。埃贝赫集团作为∩全球最重要的汽车系统零部件供应商享有盛誉,在目标产品和工艺开发方面拥有卓越的能力,并维持着由全球40多个生产设施组成的强大制造网络。在此背景々下,普赫姆坚定地致力于为全球范围内的汽◣车制造商提供全面的排气系统解决方案。 普赫◣姆的产品组合以其卓越的品质而著称,涵盖广泛的应用,同时满足乘用车和商用车的需求。这些产品包括专为汽油和柴油废气排放后处理而精心设计的成熟的系统。


                埃贝赫集团在∞全球80个地点拥√有约 10,700 名员工,是汽车行业领先的系统开发商和供应商之一。该家族企业总部位于内卡河畔埃斯林根,为多种车型提供排气技术、汽车电子和热管理方面的创新解决方案。在内燃机、混合动力发动机以及电动汽车领域,埃贝赫的零部件和系统可确保更高的舒适度、更可靠的安全性和更卐清洁的环境。埃贝赫正在为未来多项技术做准备,诸如移动和固定燃料电池的应用、合成燃料以及氢能※的应用等。2022年,集团营收约为64亿欧元。临时性调整的净收入达27亿欧元。

                Purem isan autonomous exhaust technology division operating under the esteemed Eberspächer Group, an influential entity within the Asian region. Boasting an esteemed position as the foremost provider of automotive system components worldwide, the Eberspächer Group possesses remarkable proficiencies in target product and process development, and maintains a robust manufacturing network comprising over 40 production facilities worldwide. Within this context, Purem is steadfastly committed to delivering comprehensive exhaust system solutions to automobile manufacturers on a global scale. Distinguished by their exceptional quality, Purem's product portfolio encompasses a wide range of applications, catering to both passenger vehicles and commercial fleets. These offerings include well-established, full-fledged systems meticulously designed for the aftertreatment of gasoline and diesel exhaust emissions

                About Purem by Eberspaecher:

                Purem by Eberspaecher is a subsidiary of the Esslingen-based Eberspaecher Group. To achieve clean and quiet mobility, more than 7,100 employees develop and produce exhaust and acoustic systems for passenger cars, CVs, and off-road vehicles. The technologies make a significant contribution to meeting the strictest emission standards and noise guidelines. Its customer base includes the world’s leading vehicle manufacturers. In 2022, the area within the group of companies generated revenue of around 5.7 billion euros. Net revenue adjusted for transitory items amounted to 1.9 billion euros.

                About Eberspaecher:

                With approximately 10,700 employees at 80 locations worldwide, the Eberspaecher Group is one of the automotive industry’s leading system developers and suppliers. The family business, headquartered in Esslingen am Neckar, stands for innovative solutions in exhaust technology, automotive electronics and thermal management for a broad range of vehicle types. In combustion or hybrid engines and in e-mobility, the components and systems from Eberspaecher ensure greater comfort, higher safety and a clean environment. Eberspaecher is paving the way for future technologies such as mobile and stationary fuel cell applications, synthetic fuels as well as the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier. In 2022, the Group generated revenue of around 6.4 billion euros. Net revenue adjusted for transitory items amounted to 2.7 billion euros.

                普赫姆和开特环保业务联盟签约仪式 在昆明成╱功举行

                开特环保是一家致力于提供绿色环保解决方案的企业。作为汽车排↙气系统零部件供应商和机动车污染■物排放控制技术服务商。开特环保拥有先进的生产设备和精湛的研发技术,拥有3项发明专利和14项实用新型专利,通过了IATF16949质量体系认证。目前,公司已建立了严格⌒、严谨、严密的质量控制体〗系,保证了产品各流程的质量要求。公司内部管理严格遵循IATF16949质量体系,程序」化运作。同时,企业信息管理系统(ERP)的实施,优化了业务流程,显着增强了组织的核心竞争力。其专业团队拥有足够的行业经验和原始创新♀能力。为客户提供催化剂技术、排放控制系统设㊣ 计、环境监测等全面的技术】服务和支持,助力汽车行业实现可持续发展。

                Ningbo Cat Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is an enterprise dedicated to providing green environmental protection solutions.As a supplier of automotive exhaust system components and motor vehicle pollutant emission control technology services.Cat has advanced production equipment and R&Dcenter ,,Holds 3invention patents and 14 utility model patents,And has passed the IATF16949 quality system certification.At present, the company has established a strict, rigorous and rigorous quality control system to ensure the quality requirements of products in each flow process. The company's internal management strictly follows the IATF16949 quality system and operates in a programmed manner.Simultaneously, the implementation of an enterprise information management system (ERP) optimizes the business processes and significantly augments the core competitiveness of the organization..Its professional team has enough industry experience and original innovation capabilities. It provides customers with comprehensive technical services and support in terms of catalyst technology, Emission control system design, and environmental monitoring, helping the automotive industry to achieve sustainable development.

                普赫姆和开特环保业务联盟签约仪式 在昆明成功举ㄨ行


                Purem and Cat Environmental Protectionwill pursue advanced vehicle emission control technology through resource sharing and technical cooperation. . This strategic partnership aims to drive the automotive industry towards a more ecologically conscious and sustainable trajectory, The two parties strive to meet market demand, enhance product competitiveness, expand market share, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and build a harmonious development pattern. Relying on their respective technological advantages and innovation capabilities, the two companies are determined to reach new heights in the field of environmental protection. Both parties are committed to developing advanced, high-performance and environmentally friendly components, while providing reliable and environmentally friendly solutions for the automotive industry. The collaboration will specifically focus on three-way catalytic converters, gasoline particulate filters, diesel oxidation catalysts, diesel particulate filters, ammonia slip catalysts and other components related to automotive exhaust aftertreatment systems

                普赫姆和开特环保业务联盟签约仪式 在昆明成功举行


                Currently, the joint development plan of Purem and Cat Environmental Protection has been set in motion, and both parties eagerly anticipate close collaboration to propel the advancement of automotive emission control technology. They envision co-authoring a new chapter in automotive environmental protection technology and making significant contributions to the cause of environmental preservation. (XueBotao Abigale)
